cDash: The new Thermometer dial

One of the new dials scheduled for cDash 1.1 is the thermometer. This new gauge is in the Slider family of gauges, and here it is:

At the time of writing there is still much to do. The control is only available in the vertical or North/South orientation. There are also choices to be made. Currently my thoughts are:

  • North and South should have the same appearance
    • Or should the ‘tube’ stay in the same orientation and the value appear either below (north) or above (south)
  • East and west should have the same appearance
    • Or should East / West have the value below / above too?
  • The scale values should be suppressed
    • Or the width would need to be significantly enlarged
    • Or only display the scale and values on one side? (two looks better to me though)

I’d be interested to here your thoughts in the comments section