Tubular What's in a name?

Bollocks. That’s all I have to say, Bollocks. My App name is in use.

I’ve bee writing an App called Tubular for ages. Finally I decided that if it was useful to me, it might be useful to others, so I decided to publish it.

Step one in publishing an App is to log onto iTunes connect and to create an application. I did that and entered Tubular in the name field, which promptly blushed an attractive shade of red and told me that that name was in use. Hence the Bollocks.

OK so I picked another name Tubular is now Tubulate. However don’t underestimate the work involved in doing this from the rename in xCode, the whole scale changes to the marketing site, to the creation of new correctly named provisioning profiles, app ids etc. However the most difficult piece of the whole jigsaw is getting you head around the new name. I still find it difficult to remember.

But I do quite like the new name. For an App that helps you plan your tube journey having a name like Tube-You-Late does make sense :-)